Florida’s evil underground lives.  It feeds.  It rears its ugly head in places where people don’t want to be found.  While the palm trees, beaches, and tourists wander around blindly, the REAL beauty that exists; the art, the music, the locals, and the renaissance-like hip hop community that thrives are what truly matters.

Enter Broward County, Florida’s NOBODIES.

A project firmly rooted in the ideas of higher thinking, and comprised of two long-time friends, MTFR (Matt The Fuckin Rapper) and JAH, the two have been creating something truly powerful on many levels for many years.  Having met in high school, the two had been working separately on projects, with MTFR more on the lyricist end of things and JAH more seriously involved in the producing world.  After crossing paths and working together on a 6 song self-released EP (not to mention playing many shows together), it was clear that it was to spiral into what would become NOBODIES.  Their work ethic and standard of quality arguably sets this pair from almost any hip hop duo in the entire rap world, and it’s plain as day in every single track they drop.

They have traded the typical blatant shameless self-promoting route on pages like Facebook and Instagram (which we see all too often in music), to instead be prolific and release nothing but precedent-setting, groundbreaking new material.  Progressive and harder hitting than anything we have heard in years, NOBODIES, and their solo endeavors, have taken Soundcloud and YouTube by storm, releasing a myriad of amazing tracks and music videos (directed by the legendary FXRBES).  The production always stellar, the beats unbelievable, and the message always on point, NOBODIES have already reached notoriety as one of the most original projects to materialize in US hip hop today.

This addition to the Blackhouse Records lineup is unlike anything we have ever taken on in 15 years of operation.  In this partnership, the future will see not only an upcoming full length by NOBODIES, but also solo releases from MTFR and JAH separately.  We couldn’t be more elated to have these guys aboard and absolutely cannot wait to present to you what they have coming your way.

More developments coming your way this year, including pre-orders, videos, show dates, and more!  Until then, you can check out some of the sheer genius that is NOBODIES below:

Nobodies – Hermes Trismegistus (Music Video):







NOBODIES:  @_Nobodies

MTFR:  @MTFRyourmom

JAH:  @jahrahmf