Ceschi Ramos is touring to and from SXSW this March into April with a cast of characters who are current Fake Four artists or artists that have released work through the label, to celebrate the Fake Four 10 Year Anniversary!
Pre SXSW dates will be with Ceschi Ramos, Dark Time Sunshine, Moodie Black and DopeKnife, post fest dates are with Ceschi, Onry Ozzborn, Moodie Black and Esh.
Cage joins ICP x ATTILA tour
Psyched to announce that Cage has been added to the Slamfest 2018 Tour with ICP and Attila, March 1st thru April 1st and will encompass a good portion of the US!
Get tix here at the links below or at www.insaneclownposse.com
Ceschi & Factor Chandelier with Sammus & hERON
Dont miss Fake Four founder Ceschi Ramos on tour this Jan into Feb, backed by producer Factor Chandelier with special guests Sammus & Heron (Chisme & Rob Castro).
Tour kicks off in the northwest and ends in the heart of Texas, so get your tickets now and catch this unbelievable group of performers together!
Milo Daytrippin' to Chapel Perilous
Milo on a Horse with No Name
Sadistik Altars II Tour
Sadistik is heading back out on the second leg of the Altars tour with Nacho Picasso, Rafael Vigilantics and special guest Upgrade!
The guys will be hitting the southwest, southeast and the east coast, get tix here or at www.sadistikmusic.com
Milo Sourcerers Tour
Milo and the Ruby Yacht once again head fearlessly on the road, this time in support of Milo's latest, critically acclaimed masterwork Who Told You to Think?!?!?!!!
Deathbomb Arc's SB the Moor & yachtists Randal Bravery & instrumentalist Kenny Segal are also along for the journey, which kicks off in Phoenix this Wednesday night.